

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Things to Say When You're Losing a Technical Argument...

Mr. Bad and Crackmonkey collaborate on a fine Mr. Bad's List
I believe I've hearing most of them - following are the great and get use to of listening them
  1. I agree that it works in practice, but does it work in "_theory_" ?
  2. I had the same thought ?... Ugh, I hate that one.
  3. Yes, well, that's just not the way things work in the real world.
  4. I like your idea. Why don't you write up a document and we'll review it at the next meeting?
  5. That won't scale.
  6. I think you need to stop taking this so personally. We need to think about what's best for the project, not about our own little pet theories.
  7. Have you LOOKED at the number of I/O requests that will create?

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